Note: Registration works best from a computer. If using a mobile device, you may need to scroll sideways to see all information or turn the phone sideways to see it all.
Creating your SportsHeadz login:
How to login to your SportsHeadz account:
Adding a participant (player) to your account
Registration step-by-step
STEP ONE: login to your account and select registration. The page is divided into three sections; relevant registrations, open registrations, and closed registrations. Look for the program that is relevant to your player's age/division.
Once you have found the correct program/division, click the corresponding "register now" button.
STEP TWO: Select the player that you are registering for this program and click "add to cart".
STEP THREE: If you wish to register for another player or program, click on "keep shopping" and repeat steps one and two. If you are ready to checkout, click "proceed to checkout". (WARNING: The $0 will be for Legacy Players only as they will be choosing the correct price on the form)
STEP FOUR: When your cart appears, select "fill out form" to provide the registration details for every player/registration.
STEP FIVE: Your child's basic information will be inserted in the form. Please scroll down and complete all the other requested information, acknowledge the various waivers and policies, then click "save changes" at the bottom.
"Save changes" button is at the bottom of the form.

Select "continue to checkout" you will be asked for your credit card details. Once this is completed, you are done registering!

Once completed, you should receive an email confirmation. Please check your junk emails often as well for important information and be sure to add us as to your safe list and