Hello all and welcome to the 2025 season
My name is Kevin Chiasson I am the Umpire-in-Chief for UOVLL. I have been an umpire for 6 seasons with our league and I enhanced my experience as well umpiring the senior men's league in Pembroke. I have a greater appreciation for the position of a game official after doing this job over the last few seasons. Being an umpire is a big responsibility and it is not to be taken lightly as you are in control of the game from start to finish. I will highlight these principles and many more when we do our first session of umpire training before the season starts. Typically our new and younger umpires will be matched up with more experienced umpires to ensure we build a successful group going forward. I am available for any questions about our program and how anyone can get involved in this rewarding summer employment opportunity. And yes, we get paid.
I look forward to starting our training for new and current umpires. The dates will be announced soon.
Kevin Chiasson
Who can umpire? Boys and girls, men and women, anyone 12 year old and over (by the end of August)
Is training provided? Yes we do a one day in person clinic in April or May as we provide mentoring with more experienced umpires during the season.
What uniform do I need?
League provided: Umpire cap (provided at Umpire Training, replacement caps can be purchased from the league)and Little League Umpire patch (to be affixed to left sleeve)
Umpire provided:
- Navy blue collar/polo shirt
- Dark blue or grey pants
- Dark/Black sneakers/boots
Umpires wishing to purchase an official Little League Umpire shirt, can do so through Little League Canada.
What equipment do I need?
- a brush
- bag
- indicator/clicker
The league will attempt to provide safety equipment (mask, chest protector, shin guards) but we do encourage you to get your own so that you are most comfortable. We are working to have storage bins at most of our sites where this equipment will be kept. Please ensure if you borrow equipment it gets returned for the next umpire.
What training is needed?
We will be hosting a local clinic for all umpires for one day in April, date is to be confirmed.
Online course: Provided by Little League International: Highly suggested all umpires take this course: https://www.littleleague.org/university/articles/the-umpire-training-course/