UPDATED: February 9, 2025
1. What is Upper Ottawa Valley Little League?
It is a volunteer-run baseball and softball organization serving much of the Upper Ottawa Valley including Pembroke, Petawawa, Laurentian Valley, Deep River, White Water, Eganville, Cobden and Chapeau. All players must reside within or go to school within our boundaries. We run a co-ed house league and competitive baseball teams for ages 4-19 and girls’ softball program for ages 8-16. We are governed by the rules of Little League International and are part of District 8 in Little League Ontario.
Little League is the largest worldwide youth sports organization and provides an inclusive, enjoyable experience for players and volunteers.
2. What age do I register in?
A player's playing age is determined by the Little League age eligibility requirements. Click here for the chart used to determine age for baseball. For softball the player must be born between 2008-2016. Unfortunately, we can not accept underage players due to insurance.
If you want to move your player up or down a level, this can be requested at the time of registration on the special requests section but may not be able to be accommodated and is only appropriate in extenuating circumstances.
Day of Play
Tues or Thur
Rookie (coach pitch)
Mon/Wed games
Fri practices
Tue/Thur games
Sat practices
Mon/Wed games
Fri practices
Tue/Thur games
Mon/Wed games
Sunday games
Girls’ Softball
Mon/Tue games
Thur/Fri practices
Baseball: Jr and above: practices will be booked based on field availability once game schedules are made.
Please note: This is our goal for days of play and we do our best to adhere to these dates but due to constraints with booking diamonds, this may not always be possible, particularly when rescheduling games. We do try to maximize times during the week and use weekends only when necessary as dependent on field availability.
3. T-ball and Rookie (coach pitch)
T-ball has 2 divisions: one in Pembroke and one in Petawawa. These teams only play teams in their division so there is no travelling between sites.
NEW 2025: T-ball will play once a week in a new format with 20 min practice and two 20 minute mini games. There will be preplanned practice plans to help our newest coaches feel more confident with coaching.
Rookie there is some travelling between Pembroke and Petawawa. Typically there is one game and one practice a week. Games are 1 hour and start at 5:15 or 6:30
If your player has played one year of T-ball before and would now be in their last year of T-ball (age 6), you have the option to move them up to the rookie age group. This is appropriate for those who are stronger players and will be contingent on them being assessed at an evaluation night with the rookie coaches to ensure they will be safe playing at that age group.
We will have a kickoff event for t-ball and rookie the weekend of May 24 and 25th for all teams held at Petawawa Civic Center. Photos will be done that day and you will meet your coach and get your jerseys. There is also an end of season event, July 28th for all teams at Riverside park.
4. Minor, Major, Jr, Sr
For minor and above, we play interlock within the District. This means that there are some games against Renfrew and Barry’s Bay. We try to minimize how much travelling there is for each team. We aim for 12 games a season. This usually works out to 2 field times a week, sometimes 3 if we do two games a week and a practice. If we have the interest and coaches available, we will run teams out of either Cobden, Beachburg, Eganville or Deep River where practices will occur there but home games may move around based on availability and pitching mounds. If we don’t have enough to make a team, or if we have too many and there is overflow, players from those areas will be added to teams in Pembroke or Petawawa. On field practices will start the week after May long weekend and games go until the last week of July.
There are two weekend tournaments that are local to Pembroke or Renfrew for each age group.
Jr and Sr- June 27-29 and July 25-27 at UOVLL
Major- June 13-15 at Renfrew and July 18-20 at UOVLL
Minor- June 20-22 at UOVLL and July 25-27 at Renfrew
NEW 2025: Junior and Senior divisions will be separated and not play together this year.
5. Girls' softball (aka fastball, aka windmill pitch)
This is a program for girls ages 8-16 (born 2008-2016) to get introduced to the sport. No previous ball experience required. This is meant to be a fun and inclusive group. Emphasis will be on skill and team development. Field times will typically be twice a week and will be in both Pembroke and Petawawa with generally one game a week and one practice. If we have enough players and interested coaches, we can run teams out of areas like Beachburg, Waltham or Cobden. If we have more players registered for any one area, then the overflow will be offered to play on other teams in the league. Our age groups may somewhat depend on registration numbers but we will have a major group age 8-12 (2016-2013) and Jr/Sr ages 13-16 (2012-2008). There will be an end of season tournament at the end of July.
6. NEW 2025- 19U program
We will be running a new program this year for those who are born between Sept 2005-August 2008 (19U) to bridge players who are post little league age but not ready to play adult league. Games would likely be Sunday evening. It is unclear until registration is done as to how many teams we will have or if there are any others in the district but there may be opportunities to play games against teams from Ottawa who have been running this age group for a few years.
7. How do I register?
Registration is all done online through this website. We will also be using this platform for communication between coaches and teams. Feel free to download the Sportsheadz app. Registration will open February 17th and run until March 31st and fees are paid online at the time of registration. Registration is first come, first served and once teams are full there will be a wait list. This is also dependent on us having enough coaches and registration could close early if teams are full. In most years, we are able to get all those on the waitlists on to a team as we get closer to the season start.
If you are new to Sportsheadz, please see our how to guide for help with registration. For smoothest registration, ensure you have created your account before registration starts and add your players to your account. When filling in registration forms, ensure all questions are answered as this is the most common error code that happens during registration. Registration is best done from a computer. If using a mobile device, ensure that you see all information by scrolling sideways or holding your phone sideways.
There will be no in-person registration this year. If you have concerns registering online, please contact us and we can discuss arrangements. We also accept jumpstart applications and this can be done online as long as you include your jumpstart application number. Finances should never be a barrier to a child playing sport. If you have any concerns about payment, please contact our registrar at [email protected]
8. Which city do I register to?
This is based on your address. If your address is in Petawawa, Chalk River, Deep River then click the button to register for Petawawa. If you live in Pembroke, Laurentian Valley, Chapeau or Whitewater region click on Pembroke to register for those teams. If you live in Eganville, Cobden, or Micksburg, sign up with the Eganville link. If there are players in Whitewater region who would prefer to play in Eganville/Cobden you may choose to apply there instead. All players must either live or go to school within these boundaries.
9. Can I request to play with another player or coach?
Requests can be made at the time of online registration on the “special request” question. Requests can only be for one other player and the request must be reciprocated by that player as well in order for it to be considered. Please be aware that not all requests can be accommodated as many things go into making teams as balanced as possible so that the teams have the best season possible. The great thing about minor sports is meeting new people and we ask that parents please reiterate this to the players.
10. What equipment do I need?
Mandatory: Glove, running shoes (cleats are optional), athletic pants (no shorts allowed at any point, including practices), water bottle, jock or jill
Each player is required to have their own batting helmet.
Please follow us on Facebook as we will have a number of suggestions for helping you pick equipment.
This is a program meant for our experienced players who are wanting to start some training early. These sessions will be starting the week after March Break and will run until mid May. Spring training registration will open at the time of the regular season registration but you must register for regular season in order to do spring training. Cost is $45 and is limited to 20 players at each session.
We are also looking at the possibility of running an "intro to baseball" indoor clinics so that new players in minor and major can come out and learn basics before the season starts. These dates are still to be determined depending on coaches availability and if we have interest in running these clinics.
Rules for indoor sessions:
- please ensure you remove outdoor footwear when entering the school and put on indoor shoes.
-No wandering around the school. We must remain in the gyms or washrooms.
-Doors will be open for only 15 minutes around the start of the session. Doors will not be propped open. This is to ensure there are not other people in the school as we are responsible for who is in the school and any damage that is done. Once we confirm your spot, we will provide contact information in case you are late arriving.
- Ensure only indoor non marking running shoes are used
- Only water is allowed in the gyms. No flavoured drinks. No food allowed in the gym.
- Remind our players to be careful with equipment; any charges for damage will be charged to the association
- No smoking on school property
- No baseball bats are allowed on school property.
Starts: week of March 17
No training week of April 14 (due to evaluations) and Easter Monday
Ends: week of May 5
Location (school)
Day of the week
Time (pm)
Major Baseball
Senior Baseball
Major girls’ softball
Junior girls’ softball
6-7, 7-8
Junior Baseball
Minor Baseball
Senior girls’ softball
Intro clinic-
dates TBD once we have confirmed coaches
12. What are evaluations?
Evaluations are how we ensure that the house league teams are all roughly equal in abilities. This gives the coaches a chance to evaluate the players and make equal teams. We will confirm by email closer to the date what time and where each player is to attend.
Pembroke Minor/Major/Jr/Sr- April 14
Pembroke Rookie- April 17
Eganville/Cobden- Jr/Sr – April 14
Eganville Minor/Major- April 17
Petawawa Rookies, Majors- April 15
Petawawa minor and Jr/Sr - April 16
Girls' softball- April 16
13. What is an all-star team?
Also known as competitive, rep, or travel team. Our River Cats program provides players with the opportunity to play a more competitive level. These teams are made up in each division of players from the house league teams in our league. Therefore, all players interested in playing all-star must play house league. The all-star team is then chosen and will have separate practices and will participate in tournaments (as determined by coaches) and have the opportunity for playdowns. Playdowns occur early in July within each district with the winner of each district going on to provincials, and if they win there, nationals and the lucky winner goes to Little League World Series. There will be tryouts for this team and there will be additional fees. Proof of residency within our region will be required at try-outs.
Full plans and cost for the teams will be presented at tryouts which will occur early May. Information will be sent out and posted closer to the date.
Minor: head coach: Kyle Robinson
Major: head coach: Dustin Lauzon
Intermediate: Mark Williamson
Jr: none
Sr: head coach: Kevin Chiasson
Rookie: head coach: Mark Williamson
Tryouts to occur once season is started (early June) as this is more of a development program. Plan is to attend Scott Tokessy tournament in Kanata August long weekend and one other tournament with possible other double headers games.
Girls' softball:
Jr: David Girard Jobin
Sr: Sarah Walker
14. What about rain out games?
Rain is a fact of life and if the fields are too wet or there is lightning, games will be cancelled. This will be determined by umpires and if it needs to be cancelled, this will be communicated via the coaches as well as on Facebook. Please avoid emailing/messaging us on days with inclement weather as we will post as soon as the decision is made.
We will attempt to have rain out games rescheduled to be played on the Sundays’ the week that the rainouts occur or when fields are available.
15. Where do the games get played? click here for addresses
In Pembroke:
Riverside Park is the main site with 3 diamonds in use.
We also use Kinsmen diamond particularly for T-ball and Rookie as well as Stafford park which will be used primarily for softball.
In Petawawa:
T-ball and Rookie play at Civic Center Diamond #3 (far diamond closest to the dog park)
Minor and Major- Norman Street Diamond (AKA Kinder or Kiddyland)
Junior/Senior- Mohn's memorial Diamond (formerly known as Indian Diamond)
Softball- games Civic Center Diamond #2 (middle diamond), practices Civic Center diamonds
16. How can I volunteer?
We are looking for head coaches, assistant coaches and convenors to help run teams and divisions. Without enough coaches, we may need to fold teams meaning fewer kids can play ball. Please consider volunteering your time. No experience is necessary and no training is required. We do host locally run coaching courses when we have enough interest to do so, so please indicate this at the time of registration. For t-ball, we plan to have a practice plan already done up for all coaches to follow to alleviate some of the challenges new coaches experience. If you are interested in helping out as a convenor, please see our volunteer page for a job description and contact us via email.
If you are interested in coaching, please indicate it when registering your child and fill out the application on the registration page as well. We always match up parents with their children when coaching.
All volunteers will need a vulnerable sector check completed in the last 6 months. If you do not have one we will provide you a letter to get one free of charge.
NEW 2025: All volunteers must complete a short online little league awareness course at https://www.littleleague.org/university/articles/abuse-awareness-training-course/
17. Can I umpire?
We are always looking for reliable and knowledgeable people to join our umpire team. Individuals must be 12 by the end of August and we provide a one day local training course for all those interested in umpiring this year. Please see our umpire page for more information. Registration is also open on the registration page.
We are looking for team sponsors. This is an exciting opportunity for any business wishing to support local sports. Please contact us for further details. Please see our Sponsorship page as well for details.
Refund requests must be sent by email to the Registrar at: [email protected]. If a player withdraws from the program before the second scheduled game or practice, an administrative fee of $30.00 will be charged. No refunds will be issued after the second scheduled game/practice.
No refunds will be issued for Spring Training, Pitching Clinics and all other clinics. Spots are limited and are on a first come first serve basis.
20. I still have questions, who should I contact?
E-mail us at [email protected]